Author Katie Marie

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My husband travels for work. Every other week he heads to his latest project location. Currently, that’s Boston. This is actually extremely convenient because we had a group trip planned for upstate NY and he was able to meet us and pick us up at the airport. However, with the travel comes missed family time and more tasks for me to handle solo. Sometimes I dread it (like a couple of weeks ago when we had family in town, and everyone got a stomach bug). Other times, I welcome it and its potential—an extra few hours of complete alone time. I think about how I’ll read a book, take an extra-long shower, do a face mask—maybe even paint my nails…Do you want to know what I end up doing? Nothing. I get in bed earlier than normal. I turn on a show that I’m certain my husband won’t enjoy and then get sucked into watching it later than I wanted to. No face mask, no long shower, and definitely no painted nails.

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So, when my husband left this morning, instead of getting up early, I decided to sleep in. Then one by one my favorite little people came to join me. As they snuggled on either side of me—I decided I didn’t want the moment to end. Sometimes a slow morning is exactly what you need. My little boy asked me if we could watch a show. Most days I don’t like starting the day off with the TV, but with each of their little foreheads in kissing range, how could I say no? I thought to myself, why not?

It may seem like such a little moment to focus on, but I read recently that these little moments can be referred to as “glimmers.” Little moments in your day that hold your attention long enough to recognize the joy they are filled with. This morning as we lay there and watched The Magic School Bus on Netflix, I thought wow, what a glimmer. I held each of them tight and whispered, “I love you so much.” I always prayed to one day have moments like these. I prayed for a full house and a full heart. I prayed for this.

I promise if you start looking for glimmers in your own life—you’ll start to find them. It is all about framing your mind and how you view your moments. Focus on the positive and what you are grateful for and that is what you will see. Then when you have the challenging moments, those times when glimmers seem so far away, you’ll be able to let them pass knowing that a new glimmer is just around the corner. You don’t have to have a gratitude journal to be grateful. Start noticing these beautiful flashes and recognize the joy. Be present and fully experience it. Say a thank you for prayers being answered…and for glimmers.

Have a great weekend and as always, happy reading.

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