Author Katie Marie

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It seemed like the perfect week to talk about goals considering T-Rex and Tuck Explore the Zoo is officially at the printers! I’ll say that one more time for the people in the back…T-REX AND TUCK EXPLORE THE ZOO IS OFFICIALLY AT THE PRINTERS! This is one goal I can now checkmark complete! I am so excited for you to read this story and I’m honestly just proud of myself for getting to this point…

Gold + Grain Photography


We’ve all heard the cliché’s before: Reach for the stars. You can do anything you put your mind to. Don’t stand in your own way. But what do those statements even mean? For someone who has always been notorious for having a bad case of “imposter syndrome” these seemingly helpful, go get em’ phrases don’t help you get out of the mindset that somehow you aren’t quite good enough to succeed. However, I’m going to hit you with another cliché, a little truth bomb if you will. This sentence is one I repeat to myself often, especially if I am ever feeling doubtful. WHY NOT ME? We constantly compare ourselves to others or have people we look up to and think we can’t get where they are. They all had to start somewhere…they just chose to be consistent and kept trying.

I am aware that every single person I admire did not become a success over night. I am also aware that having big goals and actually reaching those goals is not an easy thing to do. I am paraphrasing concepts from two books that have helped me set goals and make minor habit adjustments to my daily life in order to reach my goals, The Slight Edge and Atomic Habits. If you get a chance, I highly recommend reading them. What if I become 1% better every day, course correct when I start to get off track and create an environment for positive habits? Why couldn’t I succeed?  My main goal is to stay consistent. I have many other goals and they are attainable! Visuals help me so I also created a vision board to refer back to. I gave myself timelines in order to keep myself on some sort of self imposed schedule.

This website, this blog, these stories are all real-life examples to believe in yourself and continually ask yourself, “Why not me?”

So, here I am at almost 34 years old, deciding that I am going to reach for the stars. That I can do anything I put my mind to and that I am NOT going to stand in my own way. I sincerely hope that after reading this that you will do the same.

What are some of your goals? What adjustments are you going to make to your daily life that can make those goals more attainable? I believe in you, you should too.