Author Katie Marie

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As I sit here and type this, I am simultaneously helping build a block sailboat with my little boy, just got done putting dinner in the crockpot, going through my to do list for the day in my head and wondering how much time I have until my little girl wakes up from her nap. That’s the thing about motherhood that no one tells you, your brain never shuts off.  Motherhood is synonymous with multitasking. We are the queens of getting it done. No days off. No sick days. Doing all the things and at the same moment wondering if we are doing enough…

Motherhood is hard, rewarding, but hard. Every time you think you have it figured out with a good routine going, they grow, and it changes, and you adjust. I guess motherhood is also synonymous with adjusting.

As we head into Mother’s Day weekend; just know that you are doing an amazing job. Comparison truly is the thief of joy—so, stop. Whether your babies were breastfed or bottle fed (hey, they were fed weren’t they), you let the kids watch tv or you are anti-technology, you make all your family’s food from scratch or don’t—your kids are loved and THAT is the most important rule to follow as a mother. The other side of that coin is to love yourself. You can’t pour into anyone else’s cup if yours is empty. Give yourself some grace. Not one of us reading this is perfect at this mom thing, but we love those little nuggets with all our hearts and that means we are winning. I wish I could hug you and high five you at the same time for a job well done.

Just take a second to acknowledge all the hard work you put in and that, of course, we can always do better, but we are all just doing the best we can with what we have! So, cheers to you, momma! Keep doing all the things because that’s what we do. But I hope Sunday you can take a moment to let someone else take over while you pat yourself on the back. Maybe while you do that, you’ll actually get to drink your coffee hot and eat your breakfast before everyone else is done with theirs.

Happy Mother’s Day.

Gold + Grain Photography