Author Katie Marie

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Quote Jar

I’ve always been a big quote girl. In high school, I had a jar that I would fill with quotes that touched me. A profound statement, keep it. A quote from a book that made me cry, saving it. A quote from a movie that got stuck in my head—put it in the jar. I’m still a quote person, but instead of adding them to a jar, I highlight, write them down in my journal, mark them with a folded corner, or even tear out pages to save. Some aren’t necessarily quotes. Some are sayings or mantras that I can repeat to myself. “Keep going, don’t stop” is a popular one I say to myself if I decide to run, ha. (You have to say that one as if you are a cheerleader chanting!)  One of my favorites of all time is nothing changes if nothing changes because it can be applied to everything! Think about it. Recite it in your mind and apply it to anything you’ve been dwelling on or a negative experience you keep rehashing, or maybe a job that isn’t fulfilling. Now, how will any outcome change if you don’t change at least one little thing about the situation? What’s that saying, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. (Add that to my jar.) My point is that we have an opportunity in our lives to make changes to better ourselves. That’s why I love books, quotes, or documentaries that make you think about improving yourself. I don’t mean in huge ways with big, audacious goals, but even little ways…folding the laundry once it’s dry, perhaps? Oh, wait, that might just be me. I am trying to “slight edge” my way to making that a 1% daily, better habit. (Please read or listen to The Slight Edge on audiobook…it is so worth it!)

I recently watched a documentary about the life of Audrey Hepburn. My goodness could her smile just light up the room?! I remember reading her biography in high school and I found her life so interesting. Talk about someone who never gave up. She survived WWII, and wanted to be a professional ballet dancer, but was told she wasn’t good enough. From there she made her way to Hollywood and turned her life into the iconic one we know today. Do you want to know what I found to be one of the most amazing parts of her life story? At the height of her career, after she made history in being one of the first females of her time to be paid one million dollars for a film, she quit. She just quit. She wanted to stay home and be a mom. She was interviewed and explained it as not a “selfless” endeavor like people were making it out to be, but as a completely selfish one because she had in fact never dreamt of being a fashion icon or big-time Hollywood actress. What she had wanted to be since she was a little girl was a mother. And when her dream of motherhood came true, she didn’t want to be away working. Motherhood was her dream job and unconditional love was better than any Oscar nod.

The most important takeaway from this is not that I think everyone should quit at the height of their career to stay home with children! No, the complete opposite. I think we should take a line from Audrey’s book and be a little selfish…actually, I hate the word selfish for this. Selfish has a negative connotation, and I want you to practice this as a form of self-love. Practice self-love by following your dreams and not putting limitations on yourself. No matter what your dream is. Whether your dream is to be a stay-at-home mom or, have a career and show your kids what it looks like to work towards big goals, or maybe your dream doesn’t involve having kids at all. Perhaps you’re an empty nester who thinks it’s too late to follow your dreams—it’s not! Do you have a dream of becoming a photographer, but don’t have a camera? Well, nothing changes if nothing changes, so go buy that camera!

You get my point, right? Live your life and stop putting limitations on your dreams no matter what they might be, no matter if that means staying home with your kids or not. And in the words of the beautifully talented actress turned mother, turned humanitarian, Audrey Hepburn, “Nothing is impossible, the word itself says I’m Possible!” Believe in yourself and I promise the rest will start falling into place.

 Here is another one I just couldn’t help but share with you, after all, I had a quote jar for goodness’ sake, “Forgive quickly. Kiss slowly. Love truly. Laugh uncontrollably and never regret anything that made you smile.” -A.H.

Have a great weekend, my friends. And as always, happy reading.

Gold + Grain Photography
