Author Katie Marie

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Word of the Year


in a state of peaceful happiness.

Have you heard of picking a word for your year? The concept is simple, and I am here for it! It is a way for you to use a word and set an intention for the year. I love anything that helps you focus on how you want to be. Intentional is actually a great word to use for the year. I personally chose content as my word for 2023. I find it difficult sometimes to be content because I think there is always room to evolve and grow. I don’t think change is a bad thing. We all change as time goes on, but there is something to be said about being content at this exact moment. Of course, I have big goals and dreams, but I don’t want to be so invested in working toward a future that I forget how beautiful life is right now. Having a word to focus on reminds us of why we picked the word in the first place. If I start thinking too far ahead, my word brings me back to the here and now. I chose content because I want to remember to be content with what I have, where we live, where I’m at in my journey, how I have grown, and the type of mother I am—in other words, satisfied with my life. Is it realistic to believe that I can live in a “state of peaceful happiness” every moment? No, just ask my grandma…I talked to her on the phone this morning and after setting up a whole crafting activity for the kids, they decided banging on the trash cans (aka drums) was a better use of their time. But if I start wishful thinking or feeling the need to do this or that—my word can remind me to be content and grateful for these beautiful moments I have been blessed with.

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I know picking a word of the year isn’t for everyone, but I don’t see the harm in trying it. My best friend chose the word motherhood for her word last year and even had a bracelet made. It set her intentions for how she wanted to be as a mother. Was she spending too much time distracted by her phone or something else? All she had to do was look at her bracelet to remind herself that she wanted to be fully present as much as possible. That’s all it is, a reminder. It’s a reminder to be intentional with your time. Think of it as an alarm that tells you it is time to ____ (insert your word). We talked about this recently at a get-together with friends, “favorite things,” to be exact. If you read last week’s blog, you know what that party is. Anyways, one of my friends was talking about her cousin who started implementing a word for her year a few years ago, and her personal growth over these past few years has been amazing. The word gives you the motivation to be intentional and believe me, beautiful things happen with a life lived with intent. She said it gave her the motivation to try picking out a word for herself because she had personally witnessed the growth of her cousin. From there, more friends started saying what their word of the year was and by the end of it, I felt truly blessed to have such remarkable women in my life that believe in self-love and personal growth. What an amazing moment. At that moment, my word revealed itself because I was having trouble picking just one.

So, as I work towards a life of contentment, think about what your word for the rest of 2023 is. If you haven’t picked one yet, I encourage you to do so. I will leave you with this quote, “Do not set aside your happiness. Do not wait to be happy in the future. The best time to be happy is always now.” – Roy T. Bennett.

Enjoy your weekend, pick your word, and as always, happy reading.

Gold + Grain Photography
