A Storybook Christmas

There is a certain secret that comes with celebrating the holidays with little ones. By secret, I mean that intangible little something that hovers all around during all the festive shenanigans. Whether you are creating a “thankful turkey” with construction paper (thank you @busytoddler) or prepping decorations for the tree, this time of year is special and always seems to go by too fast. I know there are parts about the holiday season that can be stressful. Trying to coordinate different family events for one or picking a picture for the Christmas card…then addressing them and sending them, that’s another. I encourage you to try to see the holidays the way kids do. Just like I tell the kids I am about to read to, “turn your listening ears on,” take a second to put your “childhood wonder” glasses on!

Have you ever noticed that everything is exciting, new, and different to your kids when it comes to this time of year? Isn’t it a miracle that childlike mystery still exists? That we can join in on such magic, oh what fun! From decorating cookies, building gingerbread houses, looking at the colorful lights and reading Christmas classics; the thrill of the holidays is intoxicating. I have a slight obsession with this time of year, all holidays if I’m being honest. Give me some Christmas tunes, matching pajamas, and a favorite book in front of the tree—that’s my kind of paradise. There is something comforting about a little “Jingle Bell Rock” playing in the background while cooking dinner or folding laundry. If only I could keep that feeling while doing those mundane activities all year long.

We just experienced the first snow of the season not too long ago; it melted that day, and my son was so upset. Why couldn’t the snow stay longer, mommy? When will the snow clouds come back? I can’t wait for the rosy cheeks and bundled up little babes making snow angels and snowmen while trying to catch flakes on their tongue. Each of the flakes as different and unique as my own little nuggets. As I am sure one will flop all around in crazy waddles from the layered snow gear and the other will try to build the perfect snow pile and talk to me about igloos! I’m not sure when it will snow again, but you can guarantee I will make it a celebration! Because truth be told, I will be excited too. Add the beauty of fresh fallen snow reflecting the colorful glow from the festive houses and I’ll bust out into a “Santa Claus is Coming to Town” song and dance faster than you can yell Merry Christmas ya filthy animal. (Yes, I am aware that not everyone wants to hear me recite Christmas movie quotes from movies we all know by heart, but sometimes I can’t help it.) But the thought of their sweet faces looking at the lights in awe while being illuminated by all the bulbs, pure joy.

We had so much fun creating a Santa list this year. I had fun listening to Tucker describe what he wants and what he thinks Ella might want on her list. I have attached a picture of the wish list below because some of the items he thought of were so simple and cutely worded. I love that books made the list! I thought Tucker was going to be my big book lover, always “reading” before bed, but recently Ella has been doing the same. I saw something that another mom does during the holidays, and I can’t wait to implement it since I have such big book fans. She puts all the Christmas/winter/holiday books in a basket right by the Christmas tree. All season long you can grab from the basket. This idea made me think of my own storybook Christmas. My favorite gift from Santa was in fact a book. I still have it and set it out every year. It is a beautiful red book with Santa’s face on the cover and gold edges to each page. Filled to the brim with Christmas stories and carols. It was 1995 and the only thing I asked Santa for that year was that book. What can I say, once a bookworm always a bookworm. All the presents had been opened and unfortunately it wasn’t under the tree. I was disappointed, as children sometimes are when they don’t get what they want, so I went to the bathroom. Low and behold, Santa had hidden one last gift for Katie Marie in the bathroom. The overwhelming excitement I felt when I ran out holding the book and telling everyone that Santa had accidentally left a present in the bathroom! Thinking back on it, it may not be my favorite gift, but absolutely the most memorable. Thank you, mom for being the extra sparkle to every holiday and trying so hard to make the holidays even more special. I hope I am doing the same for my love bugs.

At the end of the day, it isn’t what they receive, but the way you share this special season as a family. Personally, I hope mine includes lots of hot chocolate, snuggles by the fire and reading all the Christmas books listed below. Enjoy this special time of year together, everyone. Make as many memories as you can! We only get so many years with full on wonder and belief…don’t waste it being stressed about decorated perfection or getting the cards in the mail. Remember the reason for the season. Merry Christmas and God bless you and your family.

Our favorite Christmas Books:

Construction Site on Christmas Night by Sherri Duskey Rinker

How the Grinch Stole Christmas by Dr. Suess

I am Cindy-Lou Who (board book) by Tish Rabe

Little Blue Truck’s Christmas by Alice Schertle

The Polar Express by Chris Van Allsburg

Santa Post by Emma Yarlett

How to Catch an Elf by Adam Wallace

The Night Before Christmas by Clement Moore


What are some of your favorite holiday books or traditions? Share them in the comments!

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Merry Christmas


“To The Moon”