Anniversary Date - Bonus Blog

Enjoy this little BONUS blog post to celebrate…

My husband and I recently celebrated our 7th wedding anniversary. We got a babysitter and hit the town. Well, I wouldn’t say “hit the town” because we were home in time to put our kids to bed. However, we spent the whole day together completely uninterrupted, and it was wonderful. I thought I would share with you the places we celebrated in case you are looking for a great Kansas City area date with your significant other.

But, if I am going to share what we did on our anniversary, shouldn’t I first tell you the story of how we met? I got my hair done a couple of months ago by a woman whom I had never gone to before, she had asked how we met, and after I told her the story, she let me know that our story is what you call a “meet cute.” So, here it goes…our meet cute.

A little background on me; I used to own a wedding and event decorating business called Spectacular Settings. It just so happened that Scott’s roommate at the time was getting married and they hired me to decorate. The couple, who are now some of our dearest friends, rented candelabras from another vendor in town for the ceremony. I had pulled up to the church the day of the wedding to make sure everything that I had done still was in place, but I noticed that the candelabras didn’t have any candles in them, and I knew with it being a catholic wedding that they had candle lighters. I was thinking, someone needs to make sure they have candles—how awful for the candle lighters to get down the aisle and have nothing to light! So, since they weren’t my rental item, I didn’t have any candles on hand to put in there for them. We were getting close to ceremony time, and I didn’t want to panic the bride. It’s funny what seems like a wedding emergency at the time and then once you are removed from the industry, things just don’t seem that big of a deal anymore. Anyways, my mom happened to be with me that day helping so when I got back to the car this red car pulls up next to mine and two guys in tuxes get out. One of the guys starts fixing his tie and vest in the reflection of my window (not realizing I was in the car). I laughed and then opened the door and asked if either of them had the groom’s number so I could let him know about the candle dilemma—hoping he would recall whom they rented them from and make sure the candles were on their way. After the call, I thanked them and got back in my car. Now here is where our stories differ—I got in the car and looked at my mom and said, “Mom, did you see him?! He was sooooo good-looking! Oh my gosh!” Scott will tell his side and say that he thought I was so sweet to be concerned about the candles, so he jokes that I had the shallow moment of the day, but I stand by my initial statement and reaction (insert winking emoji).

Fast forward to the end of the reception, that night when I am back on location cleaning up my decorations, the friend that had been fixing his tux in my window earlier comes up to me to introduce himself. Basically, he wanted to feel the situation out to see if I was single before having his friend come over and embarrass himself. Now, I don’t know how many of you have worked in the service industry, but when people come up to you towards the end of an event drinking has usually been involved and you try to stay clear of having to talk to many guests. You just want to get in, pick up and get out as fast as possible. So, when Scott came up to formally introduce himself and ask if he could get my business card to take me to dinner, I’m not sure why I ran to get my card to give to him, but I did. Maybe I went to go get it because when he introduced himself and shook my hand, he never let go, he held it the entire time he was talking to me. Maybe I thought it was the only way for me to get my hand back! I absolutely thought he would either lose my card or forget to call, which in his version of the story, he did lose the card in his car for a while, but found it and did in fact call. We went to dinner 3 days later, and he came to my little brother’s football game that following Friday. We’ve been together ever since. Now, as I sit here thinking about all the big life moments that have happened since that August day 9 ½ years ago, from our engagement in Jamaica to marriage, buying a house, and having two beautiful babies, I can’t help but feel so very grateful. And you know what, the hairdresser was right, it was a meet-cute at least to me it was and still is. A special thank you to our friends Johnny and Jennifer for tying the knot that day…and for the missing candles!

So, now that you know our little meet-cute, how about the inside scoop on how we celebrated our 7th wedding anniversary this weekend? We started with a couples massage at Sunlighten Day Spa in Overland Park. Then Scott reserved some sauna time while I got my very first Dermaplane Facial. My face feels as smooth as it ever has! I highly recommend the location. It was a little further away for us, but worth the drive from the Northland. From there we went to J. Rieger & Co. for a whiskey tasting and the best pretzel appetizer I think I’ve ever had! It’s a distillery that has a historical museum-type area to view, tours to take, a tasting room, and a restaurant. This was probably my favorite part of the day because we didn’t have anywhere to be for a couple of hours and were able to sit there and enjoy each other’s company. The atmosphere is great, and it has a little something for everyone—including a slide to get to the lobby from the restaurant which I promise to try out next time we go! We then went to Garozzo’s Downtown for authentic Italian food for dinner. The toasted ravioli was a real hit! Then, as I mentioned earlier, we were home in time to put the kids to bed!


Let me know if you’ve been to any of these local KC spots or plan to go soon, and as always, happy reading!

Sunlighten Day Spa / 7373 W 107th St Overland Park, KS / (913) 754-2023 / @sunlightendayspa

Deals: It looks like they still have a Valentine’s Day deal for a couple’s massage for $225 with a complimentary glass of champagne!

J. Rieger & Co. / 2700 Guinotte Ave, Kansas City, MO 64120 / (816) 702-7800 / @jriegerco

-Make sure to check out the slide!

Garozzo’s Downtown (Italian Restaurant) / 526 Harrison St, Kansas City, MO 64106 / (816) 221-2455 / @garozzoristorante

Side note: They have half-price wine Sundays!

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