
Welcome to my website,! My name is Katie Marie Brown, author of T-Rex and Tuck Explore the Zoo, along with other stories in the series (coming soon). I am truly thankful you are taking time out of your busy day to visit this labor of love. I hope this can be a place for fun and creativity; a place that inspires you and your children to follow their dreams! Speaking of dreams, I have always dreamed of becoming a published author. I loved every minute of my creative writing class in high school. Thank you, Ms. Meyer, for lighting that spark for me and making me feel like I was capable of such a dream. I would constantly write in my journal about one day being a writer—although my love back then was poetry. I loved the ability to emote. To describe beautiful moments with just enough to make you feel it all right along with me; to challenge myself with different styles. However, now that I am older, I have found nothing more poetic in life than becoming a mother. Which brings me full circle to writing children’s books.  

Every Monday my friends and I share something we are grateful for with each other. It gets us in the habit of focusing on positivity. It could be something as simple as my husband brought me a coffee because we have sick kids, and he knew I needed it or as big as losing a loved one and being grateful for such wonderful friends to support you through the thick of it. After all, we can’t control what happens to us from day to day, but we can control our attitude. Even as I write this, there are multiple unknowns and horrible things going on in the world which is just another reminder to be grateful for those most precious to us. Two of my most precious gifts that I am truly grateful for are my kids. We have Tucker man who is almost 3 and sweet Ella girl who just turned one. They inspire me to do better, to be better, to keep writing, to spread joy. That’s what I hope this is for everyone, a joy spreader. So, thank you from the bottom of my heart for supporting my dreams. I hope you thoroughly enjoy my stories and continue visiting the site for weekly blog posts. Don’t forget to start each day with a little gratitude and today just know, I’ll be thanking my lucky stars that you chose to explore my site.

T-Rex and Tuck Explore the Zoo


T-Rex and Tuck Explore the Zoo 〰️

T-Rex and Tuck Explore the Zoo


T-Rex and Tuck Explore the Zoo 〰️

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