I love to decorate. I went to college for fashion merchandising with an emphasis in interior design. My internship was with a small event decorating business—the same business I ended up purchasing a couple years later. So, needless to say, I enjoy making spaces aesthetically pleasing. Originally, this post was going to give you tips and tricks for making a cute book nook for kids (and maybe someday I will) but it made me think about my own little book nook growing up…a closet. I know, I know, I’m bringing out my inner Harry Potter. Maybe that’s why I loved those books so much because I connected with him on the closet level. Anyways, it was a small closet off the living room. Just big enough for a blanket, a pillow and my music box with a cassette tape with 1950’s hits. (What can I say, my grandpa’s taste in music left an impression). It also had books, lots and lots of books. Was it cute? No, I’m sure it wasn’t. Was it one of my favorite spots in the whole house? Yes, absolutely!

I could spend all day in there going on an adventure of some kind. Letting the pictures help transport me to a scene of my own. Peter Pan would be fighting Captain Hook and I would pretend I was Wendy about to walk the plank. Or perhaps I was a flower fairy fluttering around with my fairy friends.

That’s a reference to The Complete Book of the Flower Fairies by Cicely Mary Barker. I had a beautiful porcelain fairy to go along with that book and I thought the fairies were the most magnificent I had every seen. Wherever my imagination lead me during those closet years, I am grateful I had time to fight boredom on my own with the power from an exciting read.

I guess my point is that sometimes as adults we lose sight of what makes something truly special. We forget that it doesn’t matter how a “book nook” looks on “The Gram” if the kids aren’t allowed to mess it up while snuggled up with a good read. Let’s remember that while we are busy trying to figure out the best way to start the newest organizational trend and decorate our way through each room of the house that our kids just want our time, attention and just maybe an awesome little closet with a magical book to call their own.


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