How a Social Media Break Changed my Summer

Have you ever wondered what happens when you unplug from the digital world for three months? Here’s a peek into my transformative summer—and how it might inspire you to take your own break.

A three-month hiatus from the blog was exactly what I needed. When I said I was taking a break, I really did. I took a break from social media on my phone. I took a break from reading purely non-fiction and personal development books to read for the love of it again and for entertainment. I even took a break from my exercise routine and incorporated more walking and yoga…I may or may not have added more Costco coffee cake muffins to the morning mix. Note to self: don’t start a lousy muffin habit that will be hard to stop! I had slow mornings with the kids. We played Star Wars Uno, Candyland, Sorry, and Slap Jack. We went to the pool and used the splash pad multiple times. I tried to make it a “yes” summer.

Why I Needed a Break: The Burnout Dilemma

I usually have a good handle on recognizing my emotions, and this past spring, I was feeling the creeping sensations of burnout. After two years of a new blog post every week on top of story writing and keeping up with social media obligations, I wanted to take some time to get back to my ‘why.’ What is it that I love about writing? Why did I start this endeavor in the first place? What brings me (and hopefully my readers) joy? I still don’t have all the answers, but the beauty of the rest of this summer was that I didn’t have to. I didn’t have my phone by me all the time. I wasn’t worried about if people would see my posts or if I should create a reel for more website traffic. I didn’t take videos of all the cool and fun things we did as a family because it’s okay to have some of your memories be just that, memories. It’s OK to be intentional with your time and celebrate moments with your family without sharing them.

What I Learned: The Art of Being Present

One takeaway from my disconnect was the reminder just to BE. Be in the moment. Be with the people you love and care about. Be grounded and present without the need to be “connected.” I released the thoughts that incessant “busyness” leads to success. I took a much-needed breather, and now I’m back more excited than ever for what is to come and what is in the works! Stick around until the end to find out what exciting projects are coming up and how you can join in the fun!

Wondering How You Can Unplug?

-Set clear boundaries for social media use.

-Plan tech-free activities with family.

-Experiment with different hobbies or routines.

-Get a Polaroid Camera—the kids think it’s fun, and you get some great pictures without having your phone attached to you!

If you are allowed to slow down or, more importantly, if you can unplug, do it! You won’t regret missing the pictures of so and so’s weekend away because you will be too focused on the magic you are creating in your own backyard—or, even better, the memories you’ll make while snuggled up together with a good book.

Have you ever taken a break from social media? What did you learn from the experience? Share your thoughts in the comments below!




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