If Not Now, When?

Lately, I have been thinking about time and what’s truly important to me. Maybe it’s the fact that both of my kiddos will be in school this coming Fall (even if it is just 3 day pre-k). Or, it could be the walks I have added to my early morning that give me the extra few minutes alone with my thoughts. Regardless of why I’m having the thoughts, I’ve decided to take a break from the weekly blog the way I have been doing them the past 2 years—at least for the summer. I plan on spending uninterrupted quality time with my kids without worrying about creating content for social media or throwing my words to a page in a rush. I love writing. I love being intentional with what I’ve decided to say to you each week. I hope you have found these posts informative and inspiring. But when I think about what is truly important—it’s making memories with my family. Whether running through a sprinkler in the backyard or hiking through a nature trail, the time together is precious.

I am reading, Raising Mentally Strong Kids by Dr. Amen and Dr. Fay (linked below). There are too many golden nuggets to mention, but I highly recommend it. The Anxious Generation by Jonathan Haidt is another must-read. I’ve listened to the author on the podcast, Next Question with Katie Couric as well as on one of my favorite apps, Blinkest, which is an app that gives you cliff-notes “blinks” on top non-fiction books. It is a shorter, condensed version of an audible book. The premise of the book is that the introduction of smartphones in the early 2000s changed childhood from play-based to phone-based which has led to the severe mental health crisis we are facing with younger generations. The numbers are staggering—please give it a read or a listen. The subject has led me to question phone use even more than I already do, so I also plan to take a break from social media this summer. Don’t worry, I still plan on posting updates for upcoming readings and events. They will be posted on the website as well. This isn’t a goodbye by any means, just a summer vacation, if you will. I want to disconnect to reconnect with my “why”. The amazing part about all of this is that by stepping back this summer, I will return this fall with rejuvenated creativity. I’m refocusing on the parts of the “author journey” that I love. James Clear, author of Atomic Habits, says, "You'll probably surprise yourself with what you can accomplish—if you're focused on one thing. You'll probably frustrate yourself with what you fail to accomplish—if you're doing 5 or 7 or 10 things.” So, here I go…taking a few months to focus on my one thing.

I’ve mentioned previously that I read, A Year of Positive Thinking by Cyndie Spiegel, every morning. A passage said, “One day, you will wake up and decide that now is the time. The question is, what will it finally be time for?” Right now, it’s time for a break…see you in September.

Have a wonderful summer, and as always, happy reading.

Blog Meets Brand

How a Social Media Break Changed my Summer


Up and Away